Supporting Residential Housing Development


Residential Housing 激励

投资亚特兰大的核心竞争力之一是房地产金融, 我们管理着几个贷款项目,用于开发劳动力住房.





Each year URFA receives a tax-exempt bond allocation from GA Department of Community Affairs. URFA serves as a conduit bond issuer. Bonds are issued on a first-come, first-served basis based on availability of allocation. 没有债券的最大数额,可以分配给一个单一的发展. 符合条件的项目必须位于亚特兰大市.

Any tax-exempt bond funds allocated pursuant to this program must be used to provide permanent financing for the development. The allocation is not intended for short-term financing, 或者“过桥”融资, 或者任何再融资, which is not the permanent financing for the development; however, it can be used for 建设 financing and be taken out by another source under certain conditions.


  • New Construction or Acquisition and Rehabilitation. Minimum of 75 units and $5MM in Total Development Costs.
  • 将现有物业改建而不作住宅用途
  • 40% of units must be set aside to persons at 60% AMI or 20% of units set aside at 50% AMI. 参见查询AMI限制.
  • A minimum of 15% of units must be set aside for market rate tenants with no income restrictions
  • Be located within the City Limits of Atlanta


  • Bond Financing must be at least 50% of capital stack
  • 免税债券融资的发行成本不得超过债券金额的2%
  • 偿还期限为15年或债券未偿还期限的较长者
  • Tax-Exempt bonds can be coupled with 4% LIHTC’s & 必须通过信用证或财务担保来增强,除非债券是通过私募出售的,或者债券是评级的,并且该项目与HUD HAP签订了至少15年的合同
  • Bond Financing can be used for up to 100% of total development costs provided debt supports a minimum 1.20 x DSCR.
  • For Acquisition and Rehabilitation, 修复费用必须至少等于工程总成本的10%


  • 开发人员必须具有与项目范围和规模相称的经验
  • 开发商必须有物业管理和市场营销的成功记录
  • All workforce units must be comparable in size and quality to market rate units within the same development. 可负担性必须在单位类型和楼层之间支付.
  • Developer must have financial capacity
  • Development must meet sustainability requirements


  • URFA encourages developers to plan/develop projects that are located in the following areas:
    • Economic Development Priority Areas
    • 合资格普查区域
    • 难以开发的地区
    • 在MARTA地铁,亚特兰大有轨电车或亚特兰大环线的1/4英里内
    • Within a Tax Allocation Districts (TAD)
  • 发展必须补充和加强社区的现有特色
  • 转专业信


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.

Housing Opportunity Bond Financing - Small Multifamily

住房机会债券基金(HOB)的创建是为了提供缺口融资,以满足房主对各种收入范围内负担得起的劳动力住房日益增长的需求, 建筑商, 亚特兰大的开发商和社区住房开发组织.


Moneys held in the program fund will be used for low interest loans to developers to finance 在某种程度上 收购, 建设 or renovation of housing. 这些资金可与常规融资结合使用, 债券融资或其他私人/公共融资,用于建造和/或修复住宅,并为前期开发和场地开发成本融资. 除非发展商有资金来源的明确承诺书,详细说明房屋发展总成本余额的条款和条件,否则不得向居屋贷款或无条件承诺贷款.

The obligation to repay the loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note and shall be secured by a deed to secure debt. Each housing project financed with HOB funds shall be regulated by a land use restriction agreement for a minimum of 15 years. Funding is subject to availability.


  • New Construction or Acquisition and Rehabilitation < 85 units (HOUSING PRESERVATION PREFERRED)
  • 将现有物业改建而不作住宅用途
  • 预留30%予占总居住人口80%或以下的人口,用作出租房屋项目. 参见查询AMI限制.
  • Be located within the City Limits of Atlanta
  • Project must demonstrate evidence of funding need.


  • Funds may be leveraged with conventional, bond, or other private or public financing
  • Funds serve as gap/bridge loans only; Underwritten based on financing need
  • Used as second mortgage loan (gap financing)
  • 贷款不得超过
    • Maximum amount per affordable unit:
      • 61% - 80% AMI = up to $50,000/Affordable Unit
      • 31% - 60% AMI = up to $60,000/Affordable Unit
      • 0% - 30% AMI = up to $70,000/Affordable Unit
    • 每个项目的最高金额
      • 最高100万美元


  • 开发人员必须具有与项目范围和规模相称的经验
  • Developer must have success in leveraging additional funds
  • 开发商必须有物业管理和市场营销的成功记录
  • Development must meet sustainability requirements


  • URFA encourages developers to plan/develop projects that are located in the following areas: 
    • Economic Development Priority Areas 
    • 合资格普查区域 
    • 难以开发的地区 
    • 距离MARTA地铁、亚特兰大有轨电车或亚特兰大环线1英里以内
  • 发展必须补充和加强社区的现有特色
  • 转专业信 


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.

Housing Opportunity Bond Financing - Single Family



Moneys held in the program fund will be used for low interest loans to developers to finance 在某种程度上 收购, 建设 or renovation of housing. 这些资金可与常规融资结合使用, 债券融资或其他私人/公共融资,用于建造和/或修复住宅,并为前期开发和场地开发成本融资. 除非发展商有资金来源的明确承诺书,详细说明房屋发展总成本余额的条款和条件,否则不得向居屋贷款或无条件承诺贷款.

The obligation to repay the loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note and shall be secured by a deed to secure debt. Each housing project financed with HOB funds shall be regulated by a land use restriction agreement. Funding is subject to availability.


  • New Construction or Acquisition and Rehabilitation
  • 将现有物业改建而不作住宅用途
  • May be used for rental or homeownership development
  • Developments must contain set asides, of at least twenty percent (20%) of the units of comparable size and finish of the market rate units, 给予收入为地区收入中位数120%或以下的人士. 参见查询AMI限制.
  • Be located within the City Limits of Atlanta
  • Project must demonstrate evidence of funding need.


  • Funds may be leveraged with conventional, bond, or other private or public financing
  • Minimum project size is 5 units
  • Funds serve as gap/bridge loans only; Will be underwritten based on need
  • Used as second mortgage loan (gap financing)
  • Loans cannot exceed maximum amount per affordable unit:
    • $50,000/unit; $70,000/unit with ADU; $100,000/ Permanently Affordable Unit
  • 每个项目的最高金额
    • 最高500美元,000 (increase possible with additional affordable units or deeper levels of affordability--capped at $2 million)


  • 开发人员必须具有与项目范围和规模相称的经验
  • Developer must have success in leveraging additional funds
  • 开发商必须有物业管理和市场营销的成功记录
  • Development must meet sustainability requirements


  • URFA encourages developers to plan/develop projects that are located in the following areas:
    • Economic Development Priority Areas
    • 合资格普查区域
    • 难以开发的地区
    • 在MARTA地铁,亚特兰大有轨电车或亚特兰大环线的1/4英里内
    • 在没有当前资金来源的评税地区内
  • 发展必须补充和加强社区的现有特色
  • 转专业信 


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.


Financing is available for Community Housing Development Organizations (Nonprofits) through Housing Opportunity Bond funds. 


Moneys held in the program fund will be used for low interest loans to developers to finance 在某种程度上 收购, 建设 or renovation of housing. 这些资金可与常规融资结合使用, 债券融资或其他私人/公共融资,用于建造和/或修复住宅,并为前期开发和场地开发成本融资. 除非发展商有资金来源的明确承诺书,详细说明房屋发展总成本余额的条款和条件,否则不得向居屋贷款或无条件承诺贷款.

The obligation to repay the loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note and shall be secured by a deed to secure debt. Each housing project financed with HOB funds shall be regulated by a land use restriction agreement. Funding is subject to availability.


  • New Construction or Acquisition and Rehabilitation
  • 将现有物业改建而不作住宅用途
  • May be used for rental or homeownership development
  • Developments must contain set asides, of at least twenty percent (20%) of the units of comparable size and finish of the market rate units, 给予收入为地区收入中位数120%或以下的人士. 参见查询AMI限制.
  • Be located within the City Limits of Atlanta
  • Project must demonstrate evidence of funding need.


  • Funds may be leveraged with conventional, bond, or other private or public financing
  • Minimum project size is 3 units
  • Funds serve as gap/bridge loans only; Will be underwritten based on need
  • Used as second mortgage loan (gap financing)
  • Loans cannot exceed maximum amount per affordable unit:
    • $70,000/unit; $90,000/unit with ADU; $100,000/ Permanently Affordable Unit
  • 每个项目的最高金额
    • 最高500美元,000 (increase possible with additional affordable units or deeper levels of affordability--capped at $2 million)


  • 开发人员必须具有与项目范围和规模相称的经验
  • Developer must have success in leveraging additional funds
  • 开发商必须有物业管理和市场营销的成功记录
  • Development must meet sustainability requirements


  • URFA encourages developers to plan/develop projects that are located in the following areas:
    • Economic Development Priority Areas
    • 合资格普查区域
    • 难以开发的地区
    • 在MARTA地铁,亚特兰大有轨电车或亚特兰大环线的1/4英里内
    • 在没有当前资金来源的评税地区内
  • 发展必须补充和加强社区的现有特色
  • 转专业信 


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.

HomeFirst Supportive Housing Fund


2017年2月,亚特兰大市宣布了5000万美元的资金 HomeFirst 通过投资于行之有效的住房战略和支持性服务来实现这些目标,并大胆承诺提供2500万美元的城市基金,以配合私人对HomeFirst计划的捐款.

Vine City Trust Fund Financing

The Community/Housing Development Trust Fund was established in 1989 by the 亚特兰大市, 乔治亚州世界会议中心管理局和富尔顿县,以支持Vine City和English Avenue社区的振兴.


The 亚特兰大市 designated the Urban Residential Finance Authority (URFA) as the administrator for the Trust Fund. 通过信托基金, 总额为800万美元的贷款用于营利, 非牟利发展商及置业者提供新建及修复的出租房屋,以及置业机会.

The repayment dollars for these loans revolves into a program income account and is used to make additional loans for 在Vine City和English Avenue的合资格房屋发展项目.


  • 多户和单户住宅的收购、建造或翻新
  • 将现有物业改建而不作住宅用途
  • 在开发项目中预留至少20%房屋的销售房屋,必须销售给2人或以下的家庭,不超过100%的AMI, 3人或以上的家庭销售不超过115%的AMI,购买价格不超过252美元,890 or current 203 FHA limit
  • 预留20%予人口占总人口的80%或以下,以供出租房屋项目使用. 参见查询AMI限制.
  • Provide for long-term affordability provisions of 15 years or more for rental; 10 years for single family


  • Funds used as second mortgage loan (gap financing)
  • Funds cannot exceed 50% of the capital stack or $1.500万年
  • Will have an interest rate of up to 4%


  • 开发人员必须具有与项目范围和规模相称的经验
  • Developer must have success in leveraging additional funds
  • 开发商必须有物业管理和市场营销的成功记录
  • 必须得到, 通过坚定的承诺, 项目总成本余额的安全资金来源
  • Development must meet sustainability requirements


  • The target area for the Trust Fund is the area bounded by Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway on the north; Joseph Lowery Boulevard on the west; 马丁·路德·金. 开车, Walnut Street and Beckwith Street as extended to Walker Street on the south and Walker Street, 马丁·路德·金. 开车 and Northside 开车 on the east.
  • 见下图. The shaded area is the boundary for the Trust Fund
  • 转专业信


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.


HOME Investment Partnerships Program Financing



The program funds costs associated with new 建设, acquisition and rehabilitation of rental properties.

The HOME assisted project must meet the affordability requirements for not less than the applicable 在下表中指定的时期,从项目完成后开始. 可负担期是基于每单位的住房投资.


  • 5月财务, 在某种程度上, 收购, 建设, 或为中低收入家庭翻新多户住宅
  • Be located within the 亚特兰大市
  • Must have a minimum of 5 HOME-assisted units.
  • All Projects must meet the Model Energy Code
  • 可用于多户住宅发展,但除非找到可靠的资金来源,以支付房屋项目总成本的余款,否则不会作出或无条件承诺作出
  • 每个资助单位最多可获资助40,000元
  • Ensure all units receiving HOME assistance must be occupied by households earning no more than 80% of the area median income
  • Ensure at least 20% of the HOME units must be affordable to households earning no more than 50% AMI and 20% at 60% of AMI. 参见查询AMI限制.


  • Funds used as second mortgage loan
  • Will undergo a subsidy layering analysis to determine the minimum amount subsidy needed based on HUD guidelines for HOME Units
  • Will be evidenced by a promissory note and shall be secured by a deed to secure debt; and
  • Will have an interest rate of up to 3%


  • For-profit developers and non-profit developers are eligible to apply for HOME funds
  • Development must meet sustainability requirements


  • 符合已批准的社区振兴计划
  • 转专业信


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.


Atlanta Beltline 经济适用房 Trust Fund (BAHTF)



经济适用房是Beltline发展的重要组成部分. Grant funds from BAHTF add a necessary, 亚特兰大经济适用房工具包的灵活和前所未有的工具. 这些资金可以与其他经济适用房项目和城市激励措施相结合,并与私人资金相结合,在城市中建造或翻新经济适用房. BAHTF的目标是创造一个租赁和业主自住住房单元的平衡组合,并鼓励在腰带周围分配经济适用房.

这些补助金将提供给亚特兰大环线沿线提供负担得起的劳动力住房租赁单元的非营利和营利性多户开发商. Grant funds may be used to finance acquisition, 为地区收入中位数(按住房和城市发展部的定义)60%或以下的家庭建造或翻新多户住宅. 这些批地由土地使用限制协议(市建局)执行。. 资助总额不得超过发展总成本的30%,每个多户住宅发展项目的资助上限为200万元. The developer is required to obtain additional financing from other sources to complete the development.

Projects involving a combination of nonprofit organizations with for profit partners and investors, ad在这里 to the 亚特兰大腰围 Design Guidelines, have affordable rental units for persons at or below 30% of AMI and market to public servants (city, 县, Atlanta Public School employees) and 亚特兰大市 residents will be given top priority.

The program components of the BAHTF include

  • Multifamily Rental Developer 激励
  • Single Family Developer 激励
  • 社区房屋发展组织(CHDO)为多户出租而预留的资金
  • Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) Set–aside for Single Family 住房     

Grants are available to multifamily, 来自Beltline经济适用房信托基金的独户和CHDO开发商,为Beltline沿线的多户和独户开发项目提供资金.

BAHTF dollars will only be awarded to those developments that would not be economically feasible without this public subsidy. 根据澳门新匍京官方app下载局对财务需求的评估以及澳门新匍京官方app下载局确定的其他因素,授予特定开发项目的资金金额可能低于请求金额的100%.

验证您的财产/包裹是否在腰带线TAD中 地理信息系统


查看我们的 Developer Application Process below for information on how to proceed.

Housing Opportunity Bond Financing - Large Multifamily

This application is currently closed until further notice, as all available funding has been committed. 


This application is currently closed until further notice, as all available funding has been committed. 



Development 激励 Application



常用进料表 - Multifamily or Mixed Use Only

1. 在Neighborly注册 友好的门户

When you access the Portal for the first time, 您需要通过点击注册链接来注册您的帐户. The re地理信息系统tration process will create a username (which is your email address) and password that will be used for future logins. 您选择的电子邮件地址也将用于系统电子邮件/通知, so it is recommended to use your primary email address. 出于安全考虑, the system will validate that you own the re地理信息系统tered email address by sending an email with a validation link.  

2. 完整的 & Submit Preliminary Questionnaire

After logging into Neighborly, select ‘Development 激励 Application’ and complete the preliminary questionnaire. Upon receiving a completed questionnaire, Invest Atlanta project managers will review and contact you with additional questions. 如果项目被确定有资格获得资助计划, 您将被授予访问开发激励应用程序的权限.

3. Obtain NPU Recommendation Letter

All projects seeking Invest Atlanta funding, except for TAD funding programs*, 将需要NPU的介绍和推荐信(*在Beltline TAD和Westside TAD (English Avenue和Vine City)社区内的项目将需要NPU的介绍和推荐信). 在首次申请提交时不需要NPU信,但在向董事会提交资金申请批准之前需要NPU信. Please consider this process in your timing. 点击 在这里 to review complete community engagement guidelines, 请求演讲日期, 看一封样本信.  

4. 完整的 & Submit a Development 激励 Application

Upon receipt of an application, 澳门新匍京官方app下载公司的工作人员将审查申请的内容和完整性. After a fully complete application has been reviewed for consistency with Invest Atlanta and programmatic goals, staff will analyze and evaluate the project. The project manager will contact you with any additional questions and to provide a timeline overview.

